
Here you can see some works done entirely by me or where I was the unique web developer. Unfortunately some of them are no more on line.

Energy and security


Category: Web application

Web interface application for the management and monitoring of home automation systems.
The application allows the control and/or the monitoring of remote automation systems.

The project was built on top of the developing release of X3CMS 0.5.4.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5 + Bootstrap


Client: Giorgia Bellassai

Category: Social platform

WePet is a simple social network for pet lovers. The request was: "a simple mix between Instagram and Facebook".

The social implements interesting features for pet lovers:

  • photo albums
  • events calendar
  • localization meeting with other pet lovers in the same zone
  • virtual cemetery

Technologies: Laravel 5.3 + MySQL + HTML5 + Bootstrap + jQuery

ZetaSchool - Web application for school services

Client: Nicola Zuddas s.r.l.

Category: Web application

Zeta School is a web application dedicated to schools for the management of services offered to students inside and outside the school.
This is a complete rewrite of the web application with Laravel.

The end result is a fast and powerful application which interacts municipalities, school administrations, service providers and parents of students. Among other things, the application interfaces with badge readers, send text messages and emails and offers tools for online payment (with PayPal) allowances in relation to the various services offered in addition to providing reports in XLS and PDF format.

For this project I developed also a small app (Android + IOS) using the Ionic framework.

Technologies: Laravel 5.3 + MySQL + HTML5 + Bootstrap + jQuery + Ionic 2

Client: AlmyTest s.r.l.s.

Category: e-Learning

WAUniversity needed a deep redesign: graphical and logical.

For the graphic: at the beginning of 2016 we started with a new theme. The new theme is able to handle 12 sections so the content managers have a lot of freedom defining the layout of each page.

On the logic side we changed the single e-learning platform in a multiple e-learning platform.
The same platform can manage many schools and each school can share some contents with the others.

The new platform was built on top of the developing release of X3CMS 0.5.4 with a lot of improvements for SEO managing.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5 + Bootstrap

Agency manager

Client: Anonymous

Category: Web application

Using as base Ardo I developed an agency manager. In the admin side you can define services you offer to your clients and tables where store type of data.
In the user side you can manage your clients, set services, load documents, print pre-assembled modules and define alerts for deadlines and renewals.

The project was built on top of the developing release of X3CMS 0.5.4.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5 + Bootstrap


Client: Dalmaso s.r.l.

Category: e-Commerce

I followed this website from the 2004 when it changed looks and functions: it was a static site with few pages and was turned into a catalog on the internet with an administration side that allows to manage everything.

Then in 2007 it was renovated using X3 CMS. A lot of modules were created at that time: shop and shop-browser for catalog management, cart for the shopping cart and order management. The e-commerce accepts payments with PayPal and other methods.

In 2008 the site was rebuilt to fit new requirements using the version 0.3.3 of CMS X3. The graphics has undergone only minor adjustments while almost all modules have been completely rewritten to allows a fine grain control.

After seven years it was the right time for a refresh. So we decided for a complete rewrite and reorganization. The new look is clean and responsive, simple and clean, easy to use and very clean. A completely new website. 

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + Bootstrap + HTML5 + CSS3

ArDo - Document Archive

Client: IFOLD - Istituto Formazione Lavoro Donne

Category: Web application

ArDo is a Web application for document management. The idea was to centralize all documents in a single place and adding relations between documents.
The main goal of ArDo was to allow users to create relations between documents.
In the admin side we can create documents type, define all required data for a document type, define relations with others documents, define permissions for users over the document type.
On the user side, we can insert, edit, delete, define relations and search each document in the tree structured archive.

The project was built on top of the developing release of X3CMS 0.5.4.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5 + Bootstrap


Client: AlmyTest s.r.l.s.

Category: e-Learning

WAUniversity is an e-learning platform to prepare students for admission exams for universities with a limited number of students.

It was a very interesting project. The graphic layout was defined by an external web designer then I translated it in a responsive design.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5 + GroundworkCSS2


Client: Carlo Piredda

Category: Website

Web site of Carlo Piredda, engineer and architect.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5

Client: Luca Peralta

Category: Website

Web site of Luca Peralta, designer, engineer and architect. A place where to show spectacular photos of works and projects of the study design.

The website design has been agreed with the customer to adapt to devices ranging from tablets to desktop screens. I had to write a lot of Javascript to get the required result.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5


Client: WeCanDem s.r.l.

Category: Social platform

Sistemalitalia (fix Italy) is a political platform, where it performs the action of the political association Sistema L'italia. It was s a very complex project with an impossible deadline: from quotation (08/11/2012) to delivery (18/02/2013).
I did a simple design and developed 26 plugins to add all required features. After that the client decided to change the design and to change features with even shorter deadlines. At this point it was clear we couldn't work togheter.

Anyway, the platform was designed to ensure the highest degree of democracy among the members, grouping members using virtual squares and provided for the integration with major social networks: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

As I said the development of the platform has led to the creation of many dedicated modules: particularly interesting modules are x4squares x4square_comments and management of the squares, a space where members localized can share ideas and proposals.

 Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5


Client: CUS Cagliari

Category: Website

The website of the section of the CUS Cagliari dedicated to fencing. Made in a very short time on the basis of the standard CMS X3.
Simple, fast and effective.

Technologies: X3CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + HTML5 + jQuery

Web application for school services

Client: Nicola Zuddas s.r.l.

Category: Web application

Zeta School is a web application dedicated to schools for the management of services offered to students and outside school.
It is a complex project for which the client has requested the use of Mocha UI, an interface for web applications powerful and complex. One of the most difficult aspects of development was precisely to integrate this interface with X3 CMS.

The end result is a fast and powerful application which interacts municipalities, school administrations, service providers and parents of students. Among other things, the application interfaces with badge readers, send text messages and emails and offers tools for online payment (with PayPal) allowances in relation to the various services offered in addition to providing reports in XLS and PDF format.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + Mocha UI + HTML5


Client: Dal Maso s.r.l.

Category: e-Commerce

Music Center Pool is an e-commerce made after a demo for a web application for classifieds and it was deeply influenced.
In particular, the adoption of filters to search in the catalog. Then the administrator of the site chose to use only the price as key filtering but the platform is designed to support multiple filters for keys of different types: numeric, text, date etc.

The graphics have been revised according to specific customer requirements.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5


Client: IFOLD - Istituto Formazione Lavoro Donne

Category: Web portal

Remake of a static website created back in 2004. With the redesign the client has decided to adopt the platform X3 CMS for the autonomous management of web contents.
The site is the portal of the institute Ifold (the main activities are research and training). The portal hosts content of its multiple activities as well as providing support for training courses.

Also in this case it was necessary to develop some modules dedicated to the management of projects and publications in addition to the module for the management of the newsletter.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + jQuery + jQuery UI + HTML5


Client: ADDV Comunicazione

Category: e-Commerce

E-commerce of "Le Masciare" farm that produces organic products. The site is multilingual with a simple catalog and shopping cart.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + xHTML


Client: Lovemark s.r.l.

Category: Website

Website of an Italian company that produces sprinklers.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + xHTML


Client: ADDV Comunicazione

Category: e-Commerce

The restructuring of the website provided the reproduction of the existing site with CMS X3. The graphics had to remain unchanged.

The work was particularly complex but interesting.
Among the most difficult aspects there has been the integration of some pages almost entirely in Flash that contain menu (now managed by the CMS).
Interesting management RTL languages (which are written from right to left like Arabic).

Many modules have been customized to integrate with the graphics and the particular structure of the menu.
This site includes the Newsletter module for the management of newsletter directly from the control panel of the CMS.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + xHTML


Client: ADDV Comunicazione

Category: Website

The website advertises a residential complex for the holidays.

Technologies: X3 CMS (PHP + MySQL + Mootools) + xHTML


Client: Nicola Zuddas s.r.l.

Category: Web services

The Comunas Project, sponsored by the Region of Sardinia, has as its objective the creation of a system of exchange of information flows between local governments, dissemination and accessibility to administrative documents and delivery of online services evolved towards citizens and businesses.

It is a complex project which involves several companies that provide management software used in the municipal government.

Between 2006 and 2008 I worked with Nicola Zuddas s.r.l., one of the companies accredited to the development of Web Services that allow interfacing the data kept by the municipal government and the project portal Comunas.

It was an interesting job: to participate in such a large project is obviously source of satisfaction. Unfortunately not every day I get involved in so complex works.
I was given the responsibility for the design and development of the web service on server-side that forced me to deepen not only the study of web services but I also studied how to structure the application to simplify the development and maintenance.

Technologies: XML, PHP, MySQL, SOAP, WSDL


Client: ADDV Comunicazione

Category: e-Commerce

This was the site of A-Line, a company that manufactures sportswear, is a CMS made specifically with Code Igniter, MySQL and Mootools. The specifications provide for a detailed product catalog according to the content displayed on the pages.
The result is really interesting.

Technologies: PHP + Code Igniter + Mootools + MySQL